Michael R. Kolber – BSc MD CCFP MSc
Family Physician
Mike is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta. He practices in Peace River and belongs to the University of Alberta Department of Family Medicine’s Evidence Based Medicine group. Mike contributes to Tools for Practice, presents at the ACFP’s CPD Roadshows, and is the Planning Committee Chair for the Practical Evidence for Informed Practice conference.
Tony Nickonchuk – BSc Pharm
Clinical Pharmacist
Tony is a Drug Utilization and Stewardship pharmacist with Alberta Health Services (AHS). He performs evidence based reviews of drug therapy and uses those to advise the provincial Drug & Therapeutics Committee regarding the AHS formulary. He also initiates and manages projects to improve the cost effectiveness and evidence base of drug utilization within AHS.
Stacy Jardine BSc.Pharm APA
Stacy currently works as a community pharmacist for Peace River Value Drug Mart in Northern Alberta. In addition to participating in the prescription dispensing process she uses her Additional Prescribing Authorization to assess minor ailments and provide travel consultations.
Christina Korownyk – BSc MD CCFP
Family Physician
Tina is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta and is the Director of the PEER Team. She practices family medicine at the Northeast Community Health Centre in Edmonton. She also regularly presents at many of the PEER conferences and contributes to Tools for Practice and medical podcasts.
The Alberta Pricing Document authors wish to acknowledge the excellent work of founding authors who due to other commitments are no longer actively participating in the project including:
- G. Michael Allan MD CCFP, Family Physician
- Jayson Lee BScPharm, Pharmacist
- Joey Ton BSc Pharm PharmD